Shackle Free is proud to introduce our online store. Here, you can purchase items and know that your contribution is devoted to helping those in need. All successful nonprofits must have a fundraising strategy to accompany grant funding, so that in the event grants are not continued from cycle to cycle, that programs can sustain long thereafter. Shackle Free's mission is to help those who suffer from the effects of poverty. Our goal is to help everyone become holistically healthy - mind, body, and soul.
Shackle Free supports minority, women/veteran owned small businesses!
If you are a retailer and would like for us to help sell your items on our store, we would be more than happy to do so! We request that you, in turn, donate 10% of your revenue back to the agency. Please let us know via email at
Thank you in advance for your support! Learn more about us at As always, "its a GREAT day to be Shackle FREE!
