Good Day!
It's a great day to be shackle free! It is that time again, time to make sure that every child in Duplin and Onslow Counties have a toy under the tree at Christmas. The pandemic has created a tremendous need and the needs far outweigh the supply.
If you would like to register your child(ren) for Toys for Tots, please go here to register TODAY! You will receive one phone call to confirm pick-up of your toys and please note that due to the pandemic, we are doing our best to get quality donations from the community. At the same time, we can not promise that families will receive the quality and same amount of toys received last year. Again, we will do our best!
The pandemic has made most pre-existing conditions worse and we are working as hard as we can to address that. If you are in need of healthcare, mental health, pain/addiction management, or human services assistance; please feel free to complete our holistic intake assessment and allow our Wellness Models to help you tell your story once and then navigate you from a place of crisis to self-sufficiency!
Step 1: Intake Assessment
Step 2: Build Success Toolkit (set activities that will help you reach your goals)
Step 3: Take advantage of the one-stop-shop services our agency offers!
