There is a father absence crisis in America.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently, there is a father factor in nearly all social ills facing America today. GoodDaddies has something for all dads, scroll down to become a member.
Benjamin J. Moore, COO
Certified Fatherhood Curriculum Facilitator National Fatherhood Initiative

Fatherhood Initiative
The GoodDad's Club meets the last two Saturdays of each month.
Click here to book your session:
Bookings Checkout | Shackle Free Communi
Watch the video.
Then, ask yourself this question -
"Am I visible enough to save my child's life?"
Questions for dads:
Are you interested in becoming more visible in your child's life?
Are you a new or young dad? Are you taking care of foster children, grandchildren, or other family members?
Would you like to learn more about how to be a great dad before you become one?
Are you afraid of missing out on important milestones in your child's life?
Would you like to be more involved in their personal, academic, and social successes?
Have mental, social, or economic related issues such as poverty, incarceration/re-entry, substance abuse, and/or domestic violence affected your ability to parent/co-parent?
Are you interested in finally identifying and getting some help to address the root causes of the behaviors that may have prevented you from the being the type of person and father that you desire to be?
Is co-parenting important to you?
Are there communication barriers between you and the mother of your child?
Is education and/or the ability to gain/maintain employment a barrier for you? Are you a regular visitor to child support court? Are you ready to make an economic change for the better?
Are you ready to be honest & hold yourself accountable for your own actions? Are you ready to establish a Plan of Action to better yourself so that you can become more involved in your child's life?
Do you need a positive support network, a no-judgement zone - in which to become a better person?
Are you ready to join a movement of peers, like yourself, to make a positive difference in our communities?
Are you tired of hearing all of the horror stories about children in the media today?
Death. Prison. Bullying. Gangs. Human Trafficking. Drug Abuse.
Do you realize that individuals from father-absent homes are more likely to fall subject to these issues:
to use drugs, carry guns, be mistreated, commit crime, and live in poverty?
Are you ready to destroy the "shackles" affecting your ability to protect your children - to be whole again, to be a visible dad?
Do you believe that our communities would be better places to live in if fathers were more involved in a positive way? Would you like to inspire - educate - elevate - encourage - and assist other dads in obtaining the skills they need to become self-reliant?
If so, would you like to be a mentor or a trained program facilitator?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above - GoodDaddies is the program for you!!!!!
Simply submit the short registration form below and become a part of this movement of better fathers, better leaders,
making better communities - one good daddy at a time!
CONGRATULATIONS, you just made one of the best choices of your life!!
#shacklefree2019 #gooddaddies
You will receive an introductory phone call and packet with information and further instructions.
Fathering in 15™ is the orientation course for the GoodDaddies Fatherhood Initiative. Fathering in 15™ is an interactive, online tool that helps dads build their skills anytime, anywhere. Beginning with a pre-assessment, Fathering in 15™ takes dads through 15 interactive, engaging topics, each in 15 minutes. Examples include: Family History, Being a Man and Dad, Handling Emotions, Talking with Mom, Co-Parenting, Your Health, and many more! The best part is that it’s accessible on any computer or mobile device. After the post-assessment and successful completion, fathers receive a certificate of completion. GoodDaddies curriculums are all research based and proven effective.
A trained GoodDaddies facilitator will schedule a time to assist each participating dad with the development of an individualized Plan of Action, along with further information regarding meeting times and activities to participate in classes offered within the GoodDaddies Fatherhood Curriculum. GoodDaddies utilizes the highest quality, widest range of responsible fatherhood skill-building curricula, programs, and training resources available. Fathers will receive training and support in the areas of: workforce readiness, rights and responsibilities, visitation, child support, and money management. GoodDaddies partners with and is in agreement with the National Fatherhood Initiative in that "together, we can create a world in which every child has a 24/7 dad."
As each dad applies the formulated activities within their own personalized Plans of Action, they will be provided with a wide array of opportunities that will assist them in becoming self-reliant. From provided dads with access to resources promoting education, career development, reducing recidivism (felon re-entry), money management, personal development, communication, co-parenting, anger management, self-discipline, and self-worth; dads will most importantly learn how to parent and co-parent to make a visible difference at home and in the community. Partnering with community resources such as, but not limited to: child support/welfare agencies, schools/head starts, substance abuse programs, domestic violence programs, faith-based organizations, judges/mediation centers/attorneys, family support networks, mental health/counseling services, local businesses, job skills/training centers, community colleges, correctional facilities, health clinics, and other non-profit organizations will ensure that dads receive the holistic experience guaranteed to assist them in releasing the "shackles" preventing them from being "good daddies".
Public input, community needs assessments, surveys, and questionnaires have established a gap in services involving fatherhood based programs along the eastern coast of North Carolina. Continuous and ongoing progress tracking will measure individual and program effectiveness. Strategic planning by qualified staff involving the use of empirical based practices will ensure efficient delivery of services. Achievement of results, participant satisfaction surveys, documentation, and participant feedback will support outcome-based successes.
what is your shackle?
GoodDaddies will serve as the
"Fatherhood Central" hub to provide services, information, and referrals to "holistically" connect dads with the resources that best suit their needs.
Are you providing a service that you believe will benefit the GoodDaddies' Fatherhood Initiative? Are you interested in becoming a community partner?
You can be -
shackle free!
GoodDaddies can help!
Facts about involved dads...
Improve their children's overall social and emotional well-being.
Children of involved dads are less likely to be mistreated.
Involved dads reduce mom's parenting stress.
Men with absent fathers are more likely to become
absent fathers themselves.
Children with imprisoned fathers are more likely
to suffer from depression.
Children living without their father in the home are
47% more likely to live in POVERTY.
Source: 2017. U.S. Census Bureau. Data represents children living without a biological, step, or adoptive father.
Are you a barber or barbershop owner interested in participating in
The Shackle Free Buzz?
Click on the photo below.