Pink Ribbons of Power

Tishie Williams
Faith Award
Year: 2006
Ductal carcinoma in-situ
Treatment: Radiation (36 visits)


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Coreta Marie Morrisey was a bright light that was far too brilliant for this dimly lit world. She was a beloved mother, sister, wife, aunt, grandmother and friend. The youngest of five children born to Allie and Earl Williams in Wallace, NC, she often found herself the constant organizer, bringing everyone together to share in fellowship and festivity. To her three children, Adrian, Lachonya and Jenaila, she was an amazing mother, confidant and friend. She inspired her family to love the way that she loved, with unwavering consistency and an incredibly generous heart. Even in times of sickness, she thought only of others. In her last moments, she sent words of comfort to her family and friends, not wanting anyone to worry about her. She transitioned to her heavenly home in October 2014, as a result of breast cancer related complications.
Our faith teaches us that she did not lose her battle with cancer. She reaped a heavenly reward for all that she gave to everyone whose lives she touched while she was here. To commemorate her spirit and the imprint that she left on this world, her family started to use the hashtag #CMMStrong. To quote her daughter, Jenaila, “[CMMStrong is] More than just a saying, it's a promise to always trust in God and to love, encourage, help, and be there for others no matter my circumstance. What made my mom's love so real is that no matter how she was feeling or what was going on in her life, she would always be there and do as much for you as she could. Her undying faith in the Lord to take care of her kept her going every day and is a principle I've adopted into my own life. I hope to spread that kind of love and joy to everyone I encounter in this life. Her strength taught us that no matter what we go through in life, God is faithful and will always make a way.”
Because her light and legacy are eternal, we continue to find ways to support our brothers and sisters in times of difficulty, and we continue to strive for the cure. We are grateful to organizations like Shackle Free, Inc. who offer solace in times of need. It is our honor and privilege to be a part of the work that is being done. There is hope for healing. And although she did not find healing here, we are comforted by 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18. We are thankful for the opportunity to support others who are fighting for a different outcome. Our God is a healer. We offer our loving prayers for you all to be #CMMStrong.
- Willie, Adrian, Lachonya and Jenaila Shanice
From Shackle Free:
As Pink Ribbon donors, Coreta's husband and children have contributed $100.00 or more to Shackle Free's Annual Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. The funds will be utilized for either lodging, transporation, food, or other expenses (not covered by insurance) - in Coreta's memory - to assist patients currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Coreta's story will be featured on Shackle Free's social media outlets and webpage.
May God richly bless Coreta Morrisey 's family for their generous, heartfelt donation and for sharing her story as a way to bless and encourage others who are experiencing similar battles. A true epitome of selflessness, courage, honor, strength, and how to truly be "shackle free". Much love and respect. #inspire #increaseawareness #educate #elevate #encourage #advocate #counsel #cmmstrong
The Lummetta Williams Pink Ribbon Survivor's Award
Lummetta's testimony:
"2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the month of October... and of course October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month... so this year the month of October I decided to detox my body and focus on God... I gave up everything that I love and replaced it with nothing but love for Jesus... this year in April they found another knot on my same breast that I had cancer... when I went back October of this year there was no sign of a knot and all my tests came back negative it totally disappeared and I know that was nothing but God... I just want to say thank you Jesus for loving me more than I loved myself... my detox paid off...
No meats... no sweets... no bread... no sodas... no sex... no music nothing but gospel... no cursing...I went from 194 lbs-180.2 My 1st time ever detoxing and I must say my body feels amazing...2 yrs CANCER FREE!!!"
Each year Shackle Free, Inc. will distribute an award in Lummetta's honor to a breast cancer victim currently undergoing treatment. Thank you, Lummetta, for sharing such a beautiful testimony! Your courage and determination is an inspiration to other women of power - just like yourself!! #shacklefreeinc #increaseawareness #elevate #motivate #inspire #empower #encourage

The Charity Award
in honor of Charity P. Ramsey, Survivor
"Hi, I'm from Warsaw NC, 1991 high school graduate of JK. I have a set of twins, boy/ girl who are 20 years old, happily married to my best friend for 25 years. Sister to Sean Powell. I was diagnosed with breast cancer December 2018. I found a lump underneath my clavicle bone. My breast cancer was estrogen/progesterone positive, and HER2-. My cancer treatment consisted of 8 rounds of harsh chemotherapy, 33 rounds of radiation and a lumpectomy. During my lumpectomy I had 3 positive lymph nodes for cancer. Which I had to get 12 lymph nodes removed. I have had lots of support and prayers from my coworkers and family. Breast cancer does not run in my family. It hasn't been a easy road. BUT GOD!!
I'M alive, I'm BLESSED." ~ Charity
The dictionary associates the following terms with the word/name "Charity": goodwill, compassion, consideration, concern, kindness, and kindliness. Her name exemplifies the true meaning of the Pink Ribbon Campaign and we thank her for sharing her inspiring story of courage and resilience as a testimony of encouragement for others! - Shackle Free