Successfully decreasing the juvenile crime rate from
50 to 1 in Duplin County during its tenure ----->>Camp Unity must help transition our youth into NEXT GENERATION mindset. We must do it holistically and it must grab the attentions of its targeted audience.
About Camp Unity
The Camp Unity Series provides a holistic approach to foster the building of relationships through various projects containing elements relative to the following: after school enrichment, tutoring, vocational training, diversity, inclusion, mentoring, counseling, improving access to recreation, arts, and cultural experiences for youth and their families. Camp Unity involves supportive sessions for parents and grandparents or other adults assuming parental roles.
FREE the Frog
With the spirit of the original Camp Unity, Next Generation will introduce "Free". Free is the character that participants will assume the role of through each module - in both written and online gameplay. The curriculum was written and designed by Chiquitta W. Lesene, CEO - and tailored by real-life current events as they affect today's youth. This new and innovative concept is sure to grasp their attention and make them not want to put their books down!
Get ready for Camp Unity- Next Generation!!